The Five Types of Elder Abuse and Neglect

Placing elderly loved ones into senior care is a difficult choice, even when it ensures they get the full-time assistance they need. No matter how much research you do to identify the top-quality help they deserve, however, you need to remain constantly vigilant. Even the best facilities can do staff reductions or make poor hiring choices. You must make sure your elderly loved ones are safe — and know when to seek outside assistance.The elderly can face abuse in any situation that requires them to rely on care from others, including nursing homes, assisted-living facilities and caregivers within their own homes. The American Psychological Association lists five distinct types of elder abuse:

  • Physical abuse — Unexplained injuries are common signs, but victims may also avoid discussions about the injuries and refuse to go to the same emergency department for treatment.

  • Verbal, emotional and psychological abuse — Changes in behavior may become apparent as victims appear more fearful or become uncommunicative.

  • Sexual abuse — Physical signs range from damaged or bloody underwear to venereal disease.

  • Financial abuse — Bank accounts change or display large withdrawals or unusual automatic teller machine activity. Valued items disappear from living quarters.

  • Neglect — Victims experience unexplained weight loss, a lack of personal cleanliness, unclean or inappropriate clothing as well as untreated bedsores. They may also lack basic medical aids, including eyeglasses, hearing aids, medications or teeth.

Even if you have only slight suspicions that your loved one may be the victim of elder abuse and neglect, you need to take immediate action. An experienced Florida nursing home abuse lawyer can help you file a complaint or take whatever legal action is necessary to hold a nursing home or caregiver accountable and protect your loved one.

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