Family Blames Death Of Dad On Diet Supplement Kratom

Among the latest perils of being an average American, you can now purchase dangerous drugs from gas stations under the litmus of dietary supplements. Unfortunately, the marketing of these products has some believing that you can take it like a multivitamin. However, kratom’s main benefit is that it excites opioid receptors in the brain making it a bit like a poor-man’s heroin.While kratom is a natural substance, just like opium, the products sold at gas stations are highly concentrated single-dose shots that can very easily give rise to overdose. Now, lawsuits against kratom suppliers could bury the entire industry if the FDA doesn’t get there first.Kratom remains legal in most U.S. states although the FDA has listed it as a restricted substance for import. Its availability at gas stations in Georgia is now a matter of a serious lawsuit after a young man was found dead on his kitchen floor from kratom poisoning.What does it all mean? It means that the kratom industry is headed for a reckoning. If legislators aren’t going to stop people from dying, then the system of civil torts will bankrupt the companies that are causing death to their customers.What happened? A dad was having dinner with his family when he took a kratom shot. Shortly afterward, he began shaking and collapsed. The cause of death was acute kratom toxicity. The family is now suing the manufacturers.Allegations Kratom is dangerous, addictive, and potentially lethal in high enough doses. It is sold over the counter at gas stations in states like Georgia where both of these victims resided. It’s perfectly legal to sell a lethal substance over the counter in America. Is also legal to sell addictive substances. However, drugs that can cause an acute toxicity while simultaneously being addictive are uniformly controlled. Cigarettes take decades to kill you. Kratom puts healthy adults in the ground. Acetaminophen, which accounts for more drug deaths than heroin, is not pleasurable or addictive. Kratom remains the lone legal substance that is both addictive and causes acute toxicity.The manufacturers are accused of making false and misleading claims about the product and failing to warn customers that it is addictive and potentially deadly. Instead, they claim it’s a great way to get yourself in the right mood to attack your day. If kratom is what you need to handle your day, then you have a problem.The only apparent legitimate use for kratom is to help individuals who are suffering from opioid withdrawal.Talk to a Tampa Wrongful Death Attorney Today More plaintiffs continue to be added to lawsuits involving kratom. Lawsuits have been filed against the manufacturers and stores that make kratom available to the public. Call the Tampa personal injury lawyers at The Matassini Law Firm today to learn

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