Talcum Powder Lawyer
Talcum Powder Linked to Ovarian and Fallopian Tube Cancer!
[ytube id=Z6_86LddKwA]Since 1971, more than 20 studies have linked talc powder to ovarian cancer. In 2003, an analysis of 16 of these studies found that women using talcum powder were 33% more likely to develop ovarian cancer. Our talcum powder lawyers are reviewing claims on behalf of women who developed ovarian cancer after using talcum or baby powder for feminine hygiene.Internal documents have shown that, Johnson & Johnson, producer of popular talc-based powders like Baby Powder and Shower-to-Shower, allegedly knew about the Ovarian Cancer or Fallopian Tube Cancer risk since at least 1982, but failed to warn consumers of the dangers. As a result, more than 1,000 women have filed lawsuits against Johnson & Johnson.If you or someone you know developed Ovarian Cancer or Fallopian Tube Cancer after using talcum or baby powder, our attorneys would like to speak with you. You may qualify for a lawsuit and resulting compensation. For more information, contact us today for a free, no-obligation case review.
What To Look For!
- Consistent use of either John’s Baby Powder or Johnson & Johnson’s Shower to Shower for feminine hygiene purposes for at least four years;
- Talcum powder use must have occurred after 1982
- Diagnosis of ovarian or fallopian tube cancer
- Diagnosis by the age of 65
- BRCA negative
What Are Some Common Talc Products And Uses?
Talc, the softest mineral known to man, has been the main component of baby powder and other cosmetic products for decades. Talcum powder reduces friction and absorbs moisture. Combined with its natural softness, these traits make it an ideal component in facial and body powders.Most famously, talc is the main ingredient in Johnson & Johnson’s iconic Johnson’s Baby Powder. Many women use the baby powder on their genitals for feminine hygiene, which some studies have shown to increase the risk of Ovarian Cancer or Fallopian Tube Cancer.
What Are The Potential Side Effects From Using Talc?
Ovarian Cancer or Fallopian Tube Cancer. For decades, researchers have noted the potential link between talcum powder and Ovarian Cancer or Fallopian Tube Cancer. It is believed that talc powder, when used near the genitals, can travel to the ovaries and become embedded in the tissue.Researchers found that women using talcum powder during ovulation were 92% more likely to develop ovarian cancer. Though talc is a natural mineral, it is very difficult for the body to remove the particles. As a result, inflammation may occur and cancerous tumors may then form. Similarly, when inhaled, talcum powder has been shown to increase the risk of lung cancer.As early as 1971, a study in the medical journal The Lancet found that a majority of ovarian tumors had talc particles “deeply embedded” in them. In 1982, researchers found that women using talcum powder during ovulation were 92% more likely to develop ovarian cancer.Over the next 30 years, an additional 21 studies were performed on talc powder: almost all of these studies found that women who used these products near their genitals were at an increased risk for developing ovarian cancer.To date, both the National Cancer Institute and the American Cancer Society consider talc use near the genitals a “risk factor” for Ovarian Cancer or Fallopian Tube Cancer.
Do Talcum Powders Warn Consumers About The Potential Health Risks?
No. Despite mounting research that talc-based powders may increase the chance of developing Ovarian Cancer or Fallopian Tube Cancer, Johnson & Johnson and other manufacturers have not placed warnings about this risk on their products.
Which Products Or Companies Are Subject To Litigation?
Any manufacturer of talc-based products that have contributed to a woman developing Ovarian Cancer or Fallopian Tube Cancer may be held liable through a lawsuit. More than 1,000 suits have been filed against Johnson & Johnson for failing to warn women of the risk of developing ovarian cancer from using its popular baby powder in the pelvic area. One such case (Jacqueline Fox; see below) resulted in monetary awards of $72 million.
Who Has Filed Lawsuits Against Johnson & Johnson?
Here are some of the most notable talc lawsuits filed against Johnson & Johnson:
Deane Berg v. Johnson & Johnson et al. (2013)
In 2013, a physician’s assistant named Deane Berg sued Johnson & Johnson after contracting ovarian cancer she says developed from her regular baby powder use. Ms. Berg turned down a $1.3 million settlement and took the case to court, where Johnson & Johnson was found guilty of negligence, fraud, and conspiracy for not warning women of its products’ health risks.
Mona Estrada v. Johnson & Johnson et al. (2014)
In April 2014, a California woman named Mona Estrada filed suit against Johnson & Johnson for failing to warn women of the increased risks of ovarian cancer.The complaint stated, “As a result of the defendants’ misrepresentations and omissions, plaintiff and the proposed class have purchased a product which is potentially lethal.”Ms. Estrada has not suffered any personal injury, but says she would not have regularly bought Johnson’s Baby Powder for the past 60+ years had she known of the adverse health effects.
Barbara Mihalich v. Johnson & Johnson et al. (2014)
The next month, Barbara Mihalich of Illinois filed a class action suit alleging that Johnson & Johnson utilized deceptive business practices and profited unjustly from its talc products.Neither Ms. Estrada nor Ms. Mihalich suffers from ovarian cancer or any other talc-related side effects, but say they suffered economic injury from purchasing Johnson & Johnson’s unsafe products over many years.
Jacqueline Fox v. Johnson & Johnson et al. (2014)
Jacqueline Fox, who also contracted ovarian cancer after a long history of using baby powder for feminine hygiene, filed suit against Johnson & Johnson. Ms. Fox was one of 60 women filing negligence lawsuits against the company.A pathologist determined that Ms. Fox’s ovaries became inflamed and then cancerous from the talc. Internal memos suggested Johnson & Johnson executives knew of the risks: one of their medical consultants even compared talc use to smoking.
Jury Awards $72 Million To Family Of Baby Powder Victim
Ms. Fox tragically passed away in the fall of 2015. The following February, a Missouri jury awarded her family $72 million. (Johnson & Johnson says it will appeal the decision, and has posted a fact sheet on its blog contending that talc has been approved for use all over the world.)Ms. Fox’s attorneys say her case is one of hundreds that have been filed against Johnson & Johnson over its baby powder’s allegedly carcinogenic effects.
Gloria Ristesund v. Johnson & Johnson et al. (2015)
In May 2016, a Missouri jury found in favor of Gloria Ristesund, who contracted ovarian cancer after using Johnson’s Baby Powder and Shower to Shower Powder on her pelvic area for decades. (As a result, Ms. Ristesund had to have a hysterectomy and other surgeries.) The jury awarded Ms. Ristesund $55 million: $50 million for punitive damages, and $5 million for compensatory damages.While Ms. Ristesund’s attorney said Johnson & Johnson should settle its remaining lawsuits, the company vowed to appeal this decision as well.
Deborah Giannecchini v. Johnson & Johnson (2016)
In October 2016, a St. Louis jury awarded $70 million to Deborah Giannecchini of Modesto, CA. Ms. Giannecchini developed ovarian cancer in 2012 after many years of using Johnson’s Baby Powder.The plaintiff’s attorney, Jim Onder, said that by issuing this verdict, the jury “once again reaffirmed the need for Johnson & Johnson to warn the public of the ovarian cancer risk associated with its product.”But Johnson & Johnson once again vowed to appeal, “because we are guided by the science, which supports the safety of Johnson’s Baby Powder.”
Who Is Eligible For A Lawsuit?
If you or a loved one has contracted ovarian cancer after using talc-based products in the genital area, you may be entitled to compensation for some combination of the following:
- Pain and suffering
- Medical bills
- Lost wages
- Funeral expenses (in the case of a loved one’s death)
How Much Does It Cost?
We abide by the contingency fee contract, which means that we will only collect a fee if the case is successful.
What Is The First Step In Pursuing A Lawsuit?
Contact us immediately for a free case review. These lawsuits are time-sensitive, so it is crucial that you reach out to us as soon as possible to determine if you are eligible for compensation.