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Product Liability Lawyer – Unsafe Products

Compensating Florida victims and making the marketplace safer for all

There are two major purposes of products liability law. The first is to compensate a consumer who sustained injuries from a defective product. The second purpose is to compel producers of consumer products to make them as safe as possible for the public. At The Matassini Law Firm, P.A., our product liability lawyers are committed to the fight for justice and a safe consumer marketplace. Since 1976, we have provided concerned counsel and aggressive legal representation to help our injured clients recover and to prevent similar harm from occurring in the future.

Experienced attorneys manage all types of defect cases

A consumer product is defective if it is not safe for a reasonable person to use as intended or in a reasonably foreseeable manner. There are essentially three ways in which a consumer product can be defective:

  • Design defect — Something went wrong at the planning stage. The classic example is the Ford Pinto, which had its fuel tank too close to the rear perimeter of the vehicle, protected only by a weak bumper and surrounded by puncture sources. An example of a household item is a baby crib with slats far enough apart to allow a baby’s head to squeeze through.

  • Manufacture defect — Something went wrong at the construction stage. Often there is a problem with the materials or workmanship. For instance, a company could use toxic, lead-based paint for children’s toys. A furniture manufacturer might use materials that cannot bear the load of an average-sized person.

  • Defective labels or inadequate warnings — This is often the problem with inherently dangerous consumer items, such as power tools and medications. A warning label must be sufficient to catch the attention of a consumer and communicate the risks inherent in using the product without taking special precautions.

Most defective product cases involve strict liability rather than negligence. This means that an injured plaintiff does not have to prove that the producer of the product was careless; the plaintiff must only prove that the product had a defect and the defect caused or worsened the plaintiff’s personal injury.

The role of comparative fault in Florida products liability

A defendant may seek to reduce a plaintiff’s recovery by claiming the plaintiff was negligent in the use of the product. A defendant may allege that the plaintiff ignored warnings or used the product in an unforeseeable and dangerous way. The Matassini Law Firm does everything in our power to rebut those defenses to maximize the compensation for our clients.

Call our unsafe product lawyers today to discuss your products liability claim

Consumers injured by defective products need capable, experienced legal representation. Our seasoned trial lawyers have the skills and resources to match large insurance defense firms. Call us today at 813-217-5715 or contact us online to schedule a free conference and learn how The Matassini Law Firm. P.A. can serve you.

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The experience you need in your pursuit of justice

The greatest distinguishing feature among attorneys is their level of experience. Our firm has more than 60 years of legal experience, much of it spent in the courtroom at trial. As a result, our Tampa criminal defense lawyers rarely encounter an unfamiliar situation and can thoroughly answer your urgent questions. Our criminal defense practice features a board certified criminal trial lawyer and two former prosecutors with impressive knowledge of trial tactics and procedures.

The resources to provide quality representation for the length of your case

Whether your case involves a crime or injury, your attorney must be prepared to take the case all the way through trial to verdict. Many defense attorneys advance the cost of litigation, so they can only last so long before financial pressures start to mount. As a client, you have to wonder whether an attorney's advice to settle your case reflects the quality of the offer or their need to get paid. Fortunately, The Matassini Law Firm has the resources to pursue civil verdicts and settlements that reflect the actual value of your case.

Call our Tampa Bay criminal attorneys for a free consultation

A crisis in your life calls for capable and compassionate assistance. The Matassini Law Firm, P.A. addresses your needs all the way through the legal process. For your free initial confidential conference with one of our Tampa criminal defense attorneys, call us today at 813-217-5715 or contact us online.

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